What can we help you with?

My name is Ben Willmore. My wife Karen and I make up the staff of Masters Academy. That’s us in the photo on this page with our old bus a few days after we finished an eight-year restoration project.

I design, record, edit, and post all the videos that are found on this site. Karen writes all the downloadable PDF companion guides, maintains the web site, and responds to support emails.

Since we have no full-time support staff and travel for more than a quarter of the year, we’ve tried to offer you many methods for getting answers to your questions without having to resort to contacting us. We honestly love our members and we provide the choices above just because we have limited resources available and don’t want you to have to wait too long before your questions are answered. But don’t worry, the options below include contacting us directly.

We’ll never forget that our members are the only reason that we’re in business, so we’d love to hear from you!


If we’ve heard a question many times in the past, then you’ll find a straight-forward answer on our FAQ page.


See suggestions for the order in which we suggest you watch lessons based on your user level and intersts.

Post on the masters forum COmmunity

The Masters Forum community is where you can ask questions, discuss ideas with other members, and see how others are applying the techniques taught.


Got an idea for a lesson that you’d like to see in the future? Post in the Lesson Suggestions section of the Masters Forum community where you can submit suggestions as well as upvote ideas that have been submitted by others so we can keep a pulse on what everyone is interested in.


Post in the Lesson Suggestions section of the Masters Forum community to send your images to Ben for potential use in a future Masters Academy lesson.


If you are having trouble accessing the site, have a unique payment issue, or just want to rattle our cage to see what we’re up to, then submit a support ticket and we'd be happy to help!

Ben & Karen Willmore
That’s us in front of the bus we’ve dubbed the “Creative Cruiser,” which is a 1963 Flxible Starliner.